Sunday, November 14, 2010

Butterbur or Umbrella Plant

Common names: Bog Rhubarb, Flapperdock - Butterbur grows on the edges of rivers and woods, in ditches and marshy meadows. It is much larger than Colsfoot, which belongs to the same family.

The leaves grow to hat size, are slightly scalloped and covered with grey down on the underside. The dirty-white to pale pink flowers, shaped like little baskets, sit densely on the upper part of the stems.

The fever reducing roots, which had gained a great reputation during the time of the plague, are gathered before the time of flowering. The tea promotes perspiration and is used fro fever, shortness of breath, gout and epilepsy. 1 to 2 cups are sipped during the day.

The large, fresh leaves are applied not only for sprains, dislocations and sore feet, but also for every kind of burn, malignant ulcer and wound. 


Infusion : 
One level teaspoon of roots is soaked in cold water overnight, warmed and strained in the morning.

Fresh, washed leaves are crushed and applied. This is repeated several times a day.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Saida,

    Butterbur or Umbrella plant? never heard about it before, or perhaps there's a different name for it.

    Thank you for sharing.
