Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Golden Rod

Common names: Solidago, Aaron's Rod.

This medicinal plant is found in woods and copses, in moist ditches and on hillsides. The erect stem with its bushy branches on the upper half, carrying yellow star-like flowers, grows to about 80cm. The flowers are gathered from July to October and are used for disorders and bleeding of the intestines. Especially though, Golden Rod is praised as an excelent remedy for disoders of the kidneys.

Flowers and leaves of the Golden Rod have a cooling effect and, since the plant is a diuretic, are recommended in all kidney and bladder complaints. The Swiss herbalist, Abbe Kuenzle, tells in his writings of a 45 year old man who suffered from a serious kidney complaint which got worse and worse. Finally one kidney had to be removed. The other one was affected as well and could not work properly.

This man began a Golden Rod treatment. He mixed equal parts of Golden Rod, Bedstraw and Yellow Dead Nettle, prepared a tea and sipped 3 to 4 cups during the day, whereupon he recovered, as he said himself, in 14 days.

Golden Rod together with Bedstraw anf Yellow or White Dead Nettle is efficacious in cases of cirrhosis of the kidney and renal failure when renal dialysis has to be performed. In these caes I was able to help, using the above mentioned herbs: A 52 year old man, suffering from cirrhosis of the kidneys, came to see me. Puffing and sweating heavily he climbed up the stairs to the first floor where I lived. Fighting for breath he fell into a chair. In a week, after having drunk 3 cups of tea made of the above mentioned herb mixture, he felt a lot better. He used only fresh herbs. After the third week he was free from complaints.

All our emotions are worked off through the kidneys. Therefore they are the most affected after an emotion shock, be it a death in the family or any other accident. Golden Rod proves its worth as a medicinal plant which influences the human emotions most favourably. It should therefore be drunk without in cases of disappointment and emotional stress.

We feel the soothing effect of this plant almost like a calming and caressing hand in severe emotional stress. Even the sight of the Golden Rod in nature has queiting effect on us. We should be thankful that there grows a plant around us which can bring us such comfort.    

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Butterbur or Umbrella Plant

Common names: Bog Rhubarb, Flapperdock - Butterbur grows on the edges of rivers and woods, in ditches and marshy meadows. It is much larger than Colsfoot, which belongs to the same family.

The leaves grow to hat size, are slightly scalloped and covered with grey down on the underside. The dirty-white to pale pink flowers, shaped like little baskets, sit densely on the upper part of the stems.

The fever reducing roots, which had gained a great reputation during the time of the plague, are gathered before the time of flowering. The tea promotes perspiration and is used fro fever, shortness of breath, gout and epilepsy. 1 to 2 cups are sipped during the day.

The large, fresh leaves are applied not only for sprains, dislocations and sore feet, but also for every kind of burn, malignant ulcer and wound. 


Infusion : 
One level teaspoon of roots is soaked in cold water overnight, warmed and strained in the morning.

Fresh, washed leaves are crushed and applied. This is repeated several times a day.   

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Agrimony - agrimonia eupatoria

Common names: Sticklewort, Cockle Burr, Church Steeples.
It grows in sunny dry places, on hedgebanks, on sides of fields, woods and path, on wasteland and near ruins. Its small flowers cluster on slender, similar to the Mullein. The whole plant is covered with soft hair, the leaves near the ground are often 10cm long and pinnate.

Agrimony, which can reach a height of 80cm., belongs to the same family of plants as Lady's Mantle. The plant is gathered when in flower, from June to August. The history of this herb, as with many others, goes back a long way and it was known to the Ancient Egyptians.

Agrimony has great healing properties for inflammation of the throat and mouth. Remember this in cases of tonsillitis, throat disorders, thrush or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Gargling with this tea clears the voice for singers and public speakers.

The leaves are excellent for anaemia and wound and are used successfully for rheumatism, lumbago, digestive trouble, hardening of the liver and spleen disorders. Drink up to 2 cupfuls daily.

Everyone should make an effort to have an Agrimony bath once or twice a year. Children with scrofulous sores should have one daily.

Agrimony because of its astringent and healing qualities, is one of our most valued herbs. A cup of Agrimony tea drunk three times a day is a remedy for enlargement of the heart, stomach and lungs as well as kidney bladder disorders.

Agrimony ointment, which is used in a similar way to Calendula ointment, is of benefit in varicose vains and sores on the lower legs.

For disorders of the liver mix 100gm of Agrimony, 100gm of Bedstraw and 100gm of Woodruff (Asperula odorata). Drink a cup of this tea on an empty stomach and sip 2 cupfuls during the day.